Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What is your favorite Thai recipe to prepare?

hot %26amp; sour prawn soup.they called it tomyam gung i hope i spelled it right.i love caffir lime leaves they put into the soup and the spiciness really kickingWhat is your favorite Thai recipe to prepare?
Chicken MayFun

It's a thin rice noodle dish with chicken and some veggies. I always eat that out as well as make it at home.What is your favorite Thai recipe to prepare?
I love thai food!

Dish #1.

Ingredients for Pad Thai Sauce (makes four large servings)

1/4 cup palm sugar

1/4 cup fish sauce

1 tablespoon tamarind concentrate

1/4 cup Sriracha sauce (We use Shark brand. Use less for a mild taste)

Method for Pad Thai Sauce

Put tamarind concentrate into a measuring cup, and add enough water to make 1/4 cup, stir, this is your tamarind juice.

In a small sauce pan, put palm sugar, fish sauce, tamarind juice, and sriracha sauce. Cook on low heat until the palm sugar dissolves, then increase heat. Let it start to boil, then quickly remove from heat, and set aside. You can make this Pad Thai sauce ahead and put in a jar in the fridge up to a week.

Dish #2.

1/3 cup vegetable oil

3-5 Thai chili pepper, minced

1 teaspoon sugar

2 shallots, thinly sliced

1 lime

1/3 cup green mango

2 tablespoons fish sauce

1/2 lb catfish

1/4 cup cashew Optional

Tips and substitutions

1/2 lb of catfish is about 1 filet.

There are two ways of frying the cat fish.

The traditional way is to place the catfish fillet on a cutting board and, using 2 forks, break up the fish into very small pieces. Heat up the oil in a wok or skillet on medium low heat and deep fry the fish until golden brown.

I recommend that instead of the traditional method, you bake it first and then drain the juices and then fry the whole filet on medium low heat. As you are frying the filet, break it up with your spatula into very small pieces.

It takes a few minutes to brown all the pieces to be very crispy. Drain the cooked fish on paper towel.

Mince the chili pepper. Mix the minced chili pepper, sugar, fish sauce and lime juice together.

Slice the shallot thinly.

Peel and grate mango with a large hole grater. In Thailand, as in the pictures, people sliver the mango by first chopping along the length of the mango many many times so that the blade goes just a little below the surface and then cutting the thin pieces away.

If your cashews are uncooked, toast them in a pan until golden brown.

Mix all ingredients together and serve.

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